
This is an implementation of the basic spec using Language:Scala together with the Technology:Akka toolkit's actor library as well as Akka's Typed Actors.


This implementation uses Akka to show how a strong, static type system can serve to type check the inherently dynamic actor pattern by encapsulating actors behind typesafe proxy interfaces.


In Company.scala a regular Akka actor-based implementation is given as a reference. TypedCompany.scala shows how the message passing is hidden behind traits that provide a front from which Akka can construct a proxy object to interact with.


This implementation uses sbt 0.10 as build tool, available at http://github.com/harrah/xsbt/. After installing sbt just change into the project directory and run


to create the project, followed by

 sbt update

This should fetch any needed dependencies. After that you can compile the project by typing

 sbt compile

and then

 sbt test

to run the tests.

This contribution has been tested with Scala Version, Akka Version 1.1.3 and sbt Version 0.10.


Akka is currently transitioning to version 2.0 which radically changes and simplifies the implementation of TypedActors. Upon release of Akka 2.0, a revision of this implementation is to be scheduled.

There are no revisions for this page.

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