Analysis of historical company data with Language:Haskell
Historical data is simply represented as list of year-value pairs so that company data is snapshotted for a number of years and any analysis of historical data can simply map over the versions. A simple chart package for Haskell is leveraged to visualize the development of salary total and median over the years. In this manner, the contribution demonstrates how to declare external dependences via Technology:Cabal. Further, the contribution also demonstrates modularization and code organization. In particular, where clauses for local scope and export/import clauses for modularization are used carefully.
We would like to generate barcharts as follows:
These barcharts are generated by the following functionality. Given a filename, a title (such as "Total" or "Median") and a year-to-data mapping, generate a PNG file with the barchart for the distribution of the data.
-- | Generate .png file for development of median
chart :: String -> String -> [(Int,Float)] -> IO ()
chart filename title values = do
let fileoptions = FileOptions (640,480) SVG empty
renderableToFile fileoptions (toRenderable layout) filename
return ()
= def
& layout_title .~ "Development of salaries over the years"
& layout_plots .~ [plotBars bars]
= def
& plot_bars_titles .~ [title]
& plot_bars_spacing .~ BarsFixGap 42 101
& plot_bars_style .~ BarsStacked
& plot_bars_values .~ values'
= map (\(y,f) -> (y, [float2Double f])) values
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