
An ANTLR-based acceptor for textual syntax


A concrete syntax for companies is defined using the grammar notation of Technology:ANTLR so that a parser can be generated. The underlying grammar is LL(1). Such parsing of concrete syntax is viewed as an instance of Feature:Parsing. However, the resulting implementation does not provide no further operations on companies. Hence, this is an incomplete implementation.


The data model is implemented as plain textual files:

A Parser for Feature:Company will be generated by Technology:ANTLR using src/main/antlr/Company.g.

A Company is defined by:

company :
  'company' STRING '{' department* '}' EOF;
department :
  'department' STRING '{' 
    ('manager' employee)
    ('employee' employee)* 

employee :
  STRING '{'
    'address' STRING
    'salary' FLOAT

STRING  :   '"' (~'"')* '"';
FLOAT   :   ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)?;
WS      :   (' '|'\r'? '\n'|'\t')+ {skip();};

Feature:Parsing is implemented using the generated Parser:

public class Parsing {

    public static CompanyParser parse(String s)
            throws IOException, RecognitionException {
        FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(s);
        ANTLRInputStream antlr = new ANTLRInputStream(stream);
        CompanyLexer lexer = new CompanyLexer(antlr);
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        CompanyParser parser = new CompanyParser(tokens);
        if (parser.error) throw new RecognitionException();
        return parser;


Test cases are implemented for all Namespace:Features. There is also an invalid input:


For a ANTLR4 version see Contribution:antlr4Acceptor.

For plain syntax checking with Technology:ANTLR see Contribution:antlrAcceptor.

For lexer-based text processing in pure Language:Java see Contribution:javaScanner.

For lexing/tokenization with Technology:ANTLR see Contribution:antlrLexer.

For a custom made lexer in pure Language:Java see Contribution:javaLexer.

For parsing with semantic actions with Technology:ANTLR see Contribution:antlrParser.

For recursive-descent parsing in pure Language:Java] see Contribution:javaParser.

For parser combinators in pure Language:Java] see Contribution:javaParseLib.

For object/text mapping from test to companies with Technology:ANTLR see Contribution:antlrObjects.

For object/text mapping from text to trees with Technology:ANTLR see Contribution:antlrTrees.


The contribution follows a standardized structure:

  • src/main/antlr contains grammar files for Technology:ANTLR.
  • src/main/java contains the following packages:
  • src/test/java contains the following packages:


This contribution uses Technology:Gradle for building. Technology:Eclipse is supported.

See https://github.com/101companies/101simplejava/blob/master/README.md

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