
Concurrent programming and STM in Language:Haskell with TMVars


The implementation demonstrates concurrent programming and specifically STM in Language:Haskell with Haskell's concept of TMVars, i.e., transactional MVars. To this end, the computations for the operations for totaling and cutting salaries are organized in multiple threads, in fact, transactions based on TMVars. (See Contribution:mvar for a more basic approach that uses regular thread synchronization variables, i.e., MVars.) The TMVars are used to store the progress and intermediate results of computations across multiple threads. The

combinator is leveraged to wait for certain values of transactional variables. Overall, the present implementation serves as a limited illustration of STM since the operations in question do not obviously benefit from STM.


In the following we will illustrate both the implementation of totaling and cutting. To explain the code we first introduce a way to store and handle progress of computation, wait for results and enable multi-threaded cutting/totaling.

Representing and handling computational progress

We represent positions of interest for the next computation/transaction by using the zipper related term of focus (see the wxHaskell implementation for more information). A algebraic datatype for progress can therefore be defined as follows:

data Progress a = Do a | Done  

type TFocusProgress = TMVar (Progress Focus)

The progress of a computation can either be that there is still some work to do or that all work is done. In the first case the corresponding type constructor takes a value providing some information about the computation to be executed. Here we use a value of the

type. This
datatype is defined as an
because it should be shared among multiple threads. It is a transactional
) because the manipulation of the progress will be part of the transaction: Each total/cut transaction will call
to update the progress. This function is illustrated in the following image:


The blue arrows illustrate the function. Each time

nextEmployeeFocus :: Company -> Focus -> Maybe Focus
is called to compute a new focus of interest the function either returns a new focus (
Just focus
) or
in case all employees are processed. In the following we make use of this function to define a generic transaction function.

Generic companies transaction

We can now define a general transaction for both total and cut:

companyTransaction :: Company -> TFocusProgress -> TMVar b -> (Focus -> b -> b) -> STM Bool
companyTransaction c tprogress tb f = do
    currentProgress <- readTMVar tprogress
    case currentProgress of
        (Do currentFocus) -> do
            currentB <- readTMVar tb
            let newB = f c currentFocus currentB
            swapTMVar tb newB
            case nextEmployeeFocus c currentFocus of
                Just newFocus -> do
                    swapTMVar tprogress (Do newFocus)
                    return False
                Nothing -> do
                    swapTMVar tprogress Done
                    return True
        Done -> return False

This function takes a company, a transactional progress and some other transactional variable which will be used in the concrete transaction.

also takes a function that transforms the value of the content of the transactional variable based on a given focus. That is, in line 3
reads the current progress and matches on the type constructors afterwards. In case all work is done (type constructor
) the function returns
in line 16. In case there is still work to do
reads the current value of the second transactional variable and passes this value and the current focus to the given function
in lines 6 - 7. The result of
is then written in the transaction variable by swapping the content in line 8. After that the next focus is computed using
. Lines 13 and 10 match either on
Just newFocus
. In case there is a next focus this value is swapped in the progress variable and
is returned in line 12. Otherwise
is put in the variable for progress and
is returned.

Waiting for results

We also provide a generic transaction that waits for a job to be done and returns the result of the job:

getResult :: TFocusProgress -> TMVar a -> STM a
getResult tprogress ta = do
    currentProgress <- readTMVar tprogress
    case currentProgress of
        (Do  ) -> retry
        Done    -> do
            result <- readTMVar ta
            return result

In line 3

reads the current progress of the transaction. If there is still work to do the function matches on
. In this case we use the
combinator which blocks the current thread until the content of the transactional variable for progress in modified. In case all transactions are done the function matches on
in line 6. It then reads the result from the transactional variable
and returns the content.

Using multiple threads

We make use of

to start multiple threads for executing the transactions:

startTransactions :: Company -> b -> (TFocusProgress -> TMVar b -> STM Bool) -> IO b
startTransactions c initb trans = do
    case firstEmployeeFocus c of
        (Just firstFocus) -> do
            tprogress <- newTMVarIO (Do firstFocus)
            tb <- newTMVarIO initb
            forM [1..3] $ \  -> 
                forkIO $ repeatTransaction (trans tprogress tb)
            atomically $ getResult tprogress tb
        Nothing -> return initb

This function takes a company, an initial value for the content of a transactional variable and a transaction function. It returns the result from the transactional variable. To do this it first computes the first focus in question in line 3. In case this focus does not exist

returns the given initial value
in line 10. In case such a focus does exist
it put into an transactional variable in line 5. The value of
is also put in a transactional variable. After that
creates three threads, each one repetitively executing the transaction. In line 9 the function waits for the result of the computation by using
which was shown above.

To execute the transaction until the computation is done we define

which should be straighforward:
repeatTransaction :: STM Bool -> IO ()
repeatTransaction t = do
	done <- atomically t
	unless done $ repeatTransaction t

Now that we have defined generic functions for a company transaction, a function for waiting for results and a function for starting multiple threads to execute the transaction, we can define totaling and cutting salaries:


We first define a transactional variable for holding the (intermediate) result of totaling:

type TTotal = TMVar Float

The actual transaction for one step of totaling all salaries is defined as follows:

addSalary :: Company -> TFocusProgress -> TTotal -> STM Bool
addSalary c tprogress ttotal = companyTransaction c tprogress ttotal (f c) 
    where f c currentFocus currentTotal = currentTotal + (salary (readEM currentFocus c))

uses the
. The actual computation is that it reads the employee at the current focus, reads the salary and adds it the current (intermediate) total.

We can now use

to define

total :: Company -> IO Float
total c = startTransactions c 0.0 (addSalary c)


Cut also uses

to do the cutting for each focus:

cutSalary :: TFocusProgress -> TCompany -> STM Bool
cutSalary tprogress tcompany = do
    currentCompany <- readTMVar tcompany
    companyTransaction currentCompany tprogress tcompany f 
        f currentFocus currentCompany = (writeEM currentFocus currentCompany) (cutEmployee $ readEM currentFocus currentCompany)
        cutEmployee (Employee n a s) = Employee n a (s/2)

It reads the employee at the given focus, cuts his/her salary and writes the employee back into the company by making use of


Analogously to

we define

cut :: Company -> IO Company
cut c = startTransactions c c cutSalary


function has to be applied. One can also use the this!!Makefile with a target test for test automation.

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