A SQLite-Contribution
A small Contribution implementing 101companies with plain (non-embedded) Language:SQL.
The following Diagram describes the Data-Schema:
SQL uses so-called Pragmas for storing settings, in most cases this is handled by the embedding language.
PRAGMA foreign_keys = "TRUE"; --enable foreign keys
PRAGMA recursive_triggers = "TRUE"; --enable recursive triggers
SQL wraps all Actions in so called Transactions, which are aferwards committed. (Here for inserting the sample company.)
INSERT INTO Department(name) VALUES("Research");
INSERT INTO Department(name) VALUES("Development" );
INSERT INTO Department(name, superdepartment) VALUES("Dev1" ,(SELECT ID FROM Department WHERE name == "Development"));
INSERT INTO Department(name, superdepartment) VALUES("Dev1.1" ,(SELECT ID FROM Department WHERE name == "Dev1"));
---- Some more entities
SQL can also automatically call Triggers after certain Actions:
CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS noManager AFTER DELETE ON Department BEGIN UPDATE Employee SET isManager = NULL WHERE department == NULL; END; --Removes Manager Attribute if Department is erased
The Contribution consists out of one file for each Feature, Setup, Teardown and Inserting a sample company and a Makefile for testing and executing.
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Syntax for editing wiki
For you are available next options:will make text bold.
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