
SQL-based implementation tailored to MySQL


A relational schema provides the data model of the system:Company. Some functional requirements of the system are modeled as SQL statements.


  • See Contribution:mySqlMany for a slightly more complicated variation which supports many companies instead of a single company.
  • Various contributions (see the backlinks) use the present contribution (or its variant Contribution:mySqlMany) for their database components.


All steps are supported by SQL scripts. Different database setups are conceivable. In the following, we assume a local database MySQL database server based on XAMPP. Different means of executing SQL statements are conceivable. In the following, we assume the use of the MySQL Workbench.

The following steps were tested with XAMPP 1.7.3 and MySQL Workbench 5.2.33 on Mac OSX 10.6.

  • Download and install XAMPP and MySQL Workbench.
  • Open the "XAMPP Control Panel" and start "Apache" and "Mysql".
    • Thereby, a local MySQL Server is now running:
      • Server Host : "localhost"
      • Port : 3306
      • Username : "root"
      • Password : "" (no password)
  • Connect to the database in MySQL Workbench.
  • Create schema "test".
  • Select schema "test" and make it the default.
  • Create tables (run SQL script Company.sql).
  • Populate tables (run SQL script sampleCompany.sql).
  • Total all salaries (run SQL script Total.sql).
  • Cut all salaries (run SQL script Cut.sql).
  • Total all salaries, again (run SQL script Total.sql).

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