
Basic functional programming in Language:Haskell.


The contribution demonstrates basic style of functional programming in Language:Haskell. Only very basic language constructs are exercised. Companies are represented via tuples over primitive data types. (No algebraic data types are used; type synonyms suffice.) Only flat companies are modeled, i.e., nested departments are not modeled. Pure, recursive functions implement operations for totaling and cutting salaries by pattern matching. The types for companies readily implement read and show functions for closed serialization.


101companies contribution haskellStarter

The data model relies on tuples for data composition:

-- | Companies as pairs of company name and employee list
type Company = (Name, [Employee])
-- | An employee consists of name, address, and salary
type Employee = (Name, Address, Salary)

Basic types for strings and floats are leveraged for names, addresses, and salaries.

-- | Addresses as strings
type Address = String
-- | Total all salaries in a company
total :: Company -> Float
total = sum . salaries
-- | Salaries as floats
type Salary = Float

A sample company looks like this:

-- | A sample company useful for basic tests
sampleCompany :: Company
sampleCompany =
  ( "Acme Corporation",
      ("Craig", "Redmond", 123456),
      ("Erik", "Utrecht", 12345),
      ("Ralf", "Koblenz", 1234),
      ("Ray", "Redmond", 234567),
      ("Klaus", "Boston", 23456),
      ("Karl", "Riga", 2345),
      ("Joe", "Wifi City", 2344)

Features for functional requirements are implemented by families of functions on the company types. For instance, Feature:Total is implemented as follows:

-- | Total all salaries in a company
total :: Company -> Float
total = sum . salaries
-- | Extract all salaries in a company
salaries :: Company -> [Salary]
salaries (n, es) = getSalaries es
-- | Extract all salaries of lists of employees
getSalaries :: [Employee] -> [Salary]
getSalaries [] = []
getSalaries (e:es) = getSalary e : getSalaries es
-- | Extract the salary from an employee
getSalary :: Employee -> Salary
getSalary (_, _, s) = s

We may test these functions with the following function application:

total sampleCompany

The function application evaluates to the following total:


All the remaining functions are implemented in the same module:

-- | Companies as pairs of company name and employee list
type Company = (Name, [Employee])

-- | An employee consists of name, address, and salary
type Employee = (Name, Address, Salary)

-- | Names as strings
type Name = String

-- | Addresses as strings
type Address = String

-- | Salaries as floats
type Salary = Float

-- | A sample company useful for basic tests
sampleCompany :: Company
sampleCompany =
  ( "Acme Corporation",
      ("Craig", "Redmond", 123456),
      ("Erik", "Utrecht", 12345),
      ("Ralf", "Koblenz", 1234),
      ("Ray", "Redmond", 234567),
      ("Klaus", "Boston", 23456),
      ("Karl", "Riga", 2345),
      ("Joe", "Wifi City", 2344)

-- | Total all salaries in a company
total :: Company -> Float
total = sum . salaries

-- | Extract all salaries in a company
salaries :: Company -> [Salary]
salaries (n, es) = getSalaries es

-- | Extract all salaries of lists of employees
getSalaries :: [Employee] -> [Salary]
getSalaries [] = []
getSalaries (e:es) = getSalary e : getSalaries es

-- | Extract the salary from an employee
getSalary :: Employee -> Salary
getSalary (_, _, s) = s

-- | Cut all salaries in a company
cut :: Company -> Company
cut (n, es) = (n, cutEmployees es)

-- | Cut salaries for lists of employees
cutEmployees :: [Employee] -> [Employee]
cutEmployees [] = []
cutEmployees (e:es) = cutEmployee e : cutEmployees es

-- | Cut the salary of an employee in half
cutEmployee :: Employee -> Employee
cutEmployee (n, a, s) = (n, a, s/2)

-- | Illustrative function applications
main = do
  print (total sampleCompany)
  print (total (cut sampleCompany))


In the interest of maintaining a very simple simple beginner's example, the present contribution is the only contribution which does not commit to modularization, packaging, unit testing. See Contribution:haskellEngineer for a modularized and packaged variation with also unit tests added.


The contribution only consists of a single module "Main.hs" which includes all the code as shown above.


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