
In-memory XML processing in Language:Haskell with Technology:HXT


The implementation demonstrates XML processing in Language:Haskell with Technology:HXT's combinator library. Operations for totaling and cutting salaries are accordingly composed from combinators for XML queries and transformations. The concept of arrows is demonstrated by the implementation as HXT's combinator library essentially relies on arrows.


In the following we will demonstrate the construction of an arrow for Feature:Total and how one can run this arrow in IO.


We define a query for totaling all company salaries:

total :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree Float
total = listA (deep $ hasName "salary"
        arr (sum.(map read)) 

In line 2 we query all salary nodes by using

deep $ hasName "salary" :: ArrowXml a => a XmlTree XmlTree
. This is an arrow from
, say a filter for all salary nodes. In general
only finds non-nested results, but because of the fact that we are dealing with text nodes, which can not be nested, this is acceptable in this situation. In lines 2-6 the result of this arrow is then combined with
getChildren >>> getText
by using
. The new arrow of type
ArrowXml a => a XmlTree String
returns the text of each salary node.

We then use Control.Arrow.ArrowLists

in line 2 to collect all results from this arrow in an array, giving us a new arrow of type
ArrowXml a => a XmlTree [String]

In line 7 the result of this arrow is passed to the lifted version of

(sum.(map read)) :: (Read c, Num c) => [String] -> c
, which in this case is of type:
ArrowXml a => a [String] Float

The overall emerging arrow, giving us the total salary, is of type

ArrowXml a => a XmlTree Float

Running an arrow

When we combinate the arrow for reading a sample company from a XML file with the totaling arrow we get:

readDocument [] "sampleCompany.xml" >>> total

We use

runX :: IOSArrow XmlTree c -> IO [c]
for running this arrow in IO. The function returns all results of a given arrow in a list. Because we except this list to be a singleton list, we can write:

[ttl] <- runX ( readDocument [] "sampleCompany.xml" 
                >>> total )
holds the total salary of a sample company.


this!!Total.hs provides the arrow for totaling salaries as described in the illustration section. this!!Cut.hs contains a transformation arrow for cutting salaries. this!!Main.hs collects test scenarios for totaling and cutting XML data provided by this!!sampleCompany.xml


function has to be applied. One can also use the this!!Makefile with a target test for test automation.

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