
Web programming in Language:Haskell with Technology:Happstack


The implementation demonstrates web programming in Language:Haskell with the Technology:Happstack framework. The templating engine Technology:Heist for Language:XHTML is used for the composition of dynamic web pages. The system:Company is implemented as a web application using a client-server architecture. The company is stored in a client-side cookie. (The server initializes the cookie with a sample company.) URLs are used to encode requests and ids of involved data. There are these requests, which essentially correspond to user actions: a user can either view a specific part of the company, save an edited part, or cut salaries in the selected scope. The part to be viewed, cut, or saved is specified by making use of a Zipper-inspired focus concept that is also leveraged by Contribution:wxHaskell. Modified data is validated. That is, when processing a save request, sent by an HTML form, the server applies various validators and potentially returns error messages, which will be displayed to the user in the web browser. As a response, the client receives HTML documents, which are composed using Technology:Heist.


In the following we will demonstrate how a specific request is processed by the server.

Saving an Employee

Scenario: After requesting to view a manager the user manipulates the input fields and submits a request by clicking a save button. The browser sends an HTTP-request together with a company-cookie to the server. The URL looks like this:



Routing filter

We set up a simple HTTP server:

main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ 
  msum [ path $ \v -> path $ \a -> path $ 
           \f -> mainPart a v f
       , serveDirectory EnableBrowsing [] "static"]   
We specify two possible server behaviours (values of
) in a list, which we then apply to the
. This function tries to run each server until one serverstart succeeds. The first list element uses Happstack's
function to extract:

The view (here

) The action (here
) The focus (here
ManagerFocus [0]
) In case the extraction fails the server falls back to being a file server in line 4. In case extraction succeeds
is called passing the action, the view and the focus:

mainPart :: Action -> View -> Focus -> ServerPartT IO Response
mainPart View = viewPart
mainPart Cut  = cutPart
mainPart Save = savePart   
In this scenario
matches on
and calls
passing the view and the focus:


savePart :: View -> Focus -> ServerPartT IO Response
savePart v f = do
  s <- save
  case s of
    (Left errs) -> do
      c <- readCCookie
      displayPart v f c errs
    (Right newc) -> displayPart v f newc []       
      save = case v of
        CompanyV  -> saveCompany f
        DeptV     -> saveDepartment f
        EmployeeV -> saveEmployee f 
The function starts by calling a save function, which is chosen based on the given
value. The
-functions, which are all of type
Focus -> ServerPartT IO (Either [(ENames,String)] Company)
either return a list of error information or the new company. In case of errors
in line 7 passing the old company (read from the cookie) and the errors. In case of success the new company and an empty list of errors is passed to
in line 8. In this scenario
is called by

saveEmployee :: Focus -> ServerPartT IO (Either [(ENames,String)] Company)
saveEmployee f = do
  c <- readCCookie
  name <- look "Name"
  address <- look "Address"
  salary <- lookRead "Salary"
  let newe = Employee name address salary
  let ev = validateEmployee c f newe
  case ev of
    (Just errs)
        -> return $ Left errs
        -> do
            let newc = writeEM f c newe
            addCookie Session $ 
              (mkCookie "company" (show newc))
            return $ Right newc
reads the company from a cookie and extracts the request parameters from the URL in lines 3-6. These values are used to compose the new
value in line 7. In line 8 this employee is then passed to the validation function
of type
Company -> Focus -> a -> Maybe [(ENames,String)]
. If the validation succeeds,
. In this case the employee is replaced within the company, which is then re-stored in the cookie and returned by the function (lines 14-16). Otherwise
returns error information, which is then also returned by
in line 11.


The validation functionality can be found in the Validators module:

validateEmployee :: Validations Employee
validateEmployee c f (Employee n a s) = if null vs 
                           then Nothing
                           else Just $ concat vs 
                               vs = catMaybes 
                                [ validateNA c f (n,a)
                                , validateSalary c f s]
composes two validations (see this!!Validators.hs for details):
checks whether the employee's name/address pair is unique in the company
checks two things regarding the employee's salary:
    • It checks whether by changing the salary the employee's department-manager still receives the highest salary within the department.
    • It checks whether the salary has a positive value.
In case both validations return
. Otherwise it returns the list of all error messages.

Binding and Responding

The user might have tried to assign an invalid salary and an invalid name/address pair to the manager in question. Validation therefore would return error information.

would call
passing the old company and the error messages:

displayPart :: View -> Focus -> Company -> [(ENames,String)] -> ServerPart Response
displayPart v f c errs = do 
      td <- newTemplateDirectory' tDir $ 
              eNamesBinder errs $ binder f c $ 
                emptyTemplateState tDir
      render td (B.pack tname)
            binder = case v of
              CompanyV  -> companyBinder
              DeptV     -> departmentBinder
              EmployeeV -> employeeBinder
            tname = case v of
              CompanyV  -> "company"
              DeptV     -> "department"
              EmployeeV -> "employee"
In lines 8-16
decides which template and which binder to apply by making use of a
expression on the given view. The binder will bind all template variables to strings or small HTML fragments (splices). After that
will bind the error messages to template variables. Both binders can be found in this!!Binder.hs. They return a function of type
Monad m => TemplateState m -> TemplateState m
. That is, binders are state transformers for templates.
then renders the HTML document, which is sent to the client as the response in line 6.


this!!Main.hs holds the server using various server parts in this!!Serverparts.hs. The actual save action is performed by functionality in this!!Save.hs. this!!Binder.hs contains functions to bind template variables. The validators can be found in this!!Validators.hs using helper functions hosted by this!!Utils.hs. The algebraic datatype for companies can be found in this!!Company.hs, a sample company in this!!SampleCompany.hs. Functionality to total and cut is provided by this!!Total.hs and this!!Cut.hs. this!!Focus.hs provides a focus datatype and functions on top of it. Various types used by the server can be found in this!!Types.hs. The this!!static folder contains the sytlesheet for the application and images, while this!!templates contains the (X)HTML templates.



A number of cabal packages are needed:

  • happstack
  • xmlhtml
  • heist
  • happstack-heist


  • this!!Main.hs can to be consulted with runhaskell to avoid the compilation step.
There is a this!!Makefile with a target run to do this.
  • Open http://localhost:8000/Company/View/CompanyFocus to demo, starting with the root view.

There are no revisions for this page.

User contributions

    This user never has never made submissions.

    User edits

    Syntax for editing wiki

    For you are available next options:

    will make text bold.

    will make text italic.

    will make text underlined.

    will make text striked.

    will allow you to paste code headline into the page.

    will allow you to link into the page.

    will allow you to paste code with syntax highlight into the page. You will need to define used programming language.

    will allow you to paste image into the page.

    is list with bullets.

    is list with numbers.

    will allow your to insert slideshare presentation into the page. You need to copy link to presentation and insert it as parameter in this tag.

    will allow your to insert youtube video into the page. You need to copy link to youtube page with video and insert it as parameter in this tag.

    will allow your to insert code snippets from @worker.

    Syntax for editing wiki

    For you are available next options:

    will make text bold.

    will make text italic.

    will make text underlined.

    will make text striked.

    will allow you to paste code headline into the page.

    will allow you to link into the page.

    will allow you to paste code with syntax highlight into the page. You will need to define used programming language.

    will allow you to paste image into the page.

    is list with bullets.

    is list with numbers.

    will allow your to insert slideshare presentation into the page. You need to copy link to presentation and insert it as parameter in this tag.

    will allow your to insert youtube video into the page. You need to copy link to youtube page with video and insert it as parameter in this tag.

    will allow your to insert code snippets from @worker.