
A simple implementation in F# for the Technology:.NET Framework


The contribution demonstrates object oriented style of functional programming in F#. Persons, Employees, Departments and Companies are represented via class types. Pure functions are implemented in pipelining style to realize totaling and cutting salaries.


The company model uses classes for data composition:

Basic types for strings and floats are used to represent names, addresses and salaries. More advanced lists are used to represent a collection of the recently named classes (Employee, Department).

Feature:Total and Feature:Cut are implemented by families of functions on the company types. We only show the family for totaling salaries here which uses pipelining style.

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The contribution consists of four modules: "CompanyModels.fs" which contains the definition of the used classes (including the total / cut function); "CompanyBuilder.fs" which creates a sample instance of a company; "Program.fs" which basically creates a sample company through "buildCompany" of "CompanyBuilder.fs" and executes total printing the results (simple testing); "Test.fs" which contains a professional NUnit Test scenario.

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