== Headline ==
Parse an external format for companies
== Description ==
Users of the [[system:Company]] may need to exchange data with other systems or edit data independently of the system. To this end, some XML- or
JSON-based format or a concrete textual or visual syntax may need to be supported. The corresponding representation format may actually be imposed on
the system by external factors. Consequently, the [[system:Company]] may need to consume such an external representation through parsing, as covered
by the present feature, or it may need to produce such data through unparsing, as covered by the extra [[Feature:Unparsing]].
An implementation of parsing is to be demonstrated for a
sample company as follows. In the most basic case, the implementation
has to illustrate at least 'acceptance' of the input. Another option
is that parsing populates a data model for companies. Yet another
option is to perform the computation for totaling salaries according
to [[Feature:Total]] along with parsing.
== Relationships ==
* [[Feature:Parsing]] is complemented by [[Feature:Unparsing]].
* [[Feature:Parsing]] and [[Feature:Unparsing]] are related to [[serialization]], as covered by the designated [[Feature:Serialization]], but we speak
of parsing specifically, when the [[system:Company]] needs to actually process (parse) the external format, thus going beyond the uniform use of a
serialization framework.